We are delighted you are joining us to celebrate the success of the With Illinois Campaign, in addition to the other exciting events happening on campus including UIF’s 87th Annual Business Meeting and Homecoming week. Below you will find information about the events happening on campus Ocotber 14, 2022.
Check-in is available at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (map) from 8AM until 5PM and then at the Lot 31 tent (NW Corner of 1st Street and Kirby Ave.) beginning at 6PM. At check-in, you receive your name badge, information about events and transportation, and football information if applicable.
- Free parking is available in the underground garage at Krannert Center for the Performing Arts throughout the day. For the evening events at Lot 31 and Grange Grove, free parking is available in Lot E-14 at the SW corner of Kirby Ave. and First St beginning at 5PM (map).
- Buses are shuttling around campus between the hours of 12PM and 6:30PM. More information is available at check-in.
- Golf cart shuttles are running regularly between Lot E-14 (map) and evening events between 5:45PM and 10PM.
- If you need transportation assistance during the day on Friday, October 14, please ask a staff member or contact us by calling 217-333-9174 or emailing giving@illinois.edu before 5PM.
The evening events will be celebratory and partially outdoors. We invite you to dress in Illini business casual, with consideration for the weather.
If your RSVP included a request for football tickets, information about your seating was shared in your confirmation email. These tickets will be available for pick up at the pre-game tent located in Lot 31 from the hours of 9AM to 10:30AM on Saturday.
If you did not request tickets but are interested in learning more about tomorrow’s game or purchasing tickets, please visit https://fightingillini.com/sports/football
If you are unable to attend the UIF Annual Business Meeting in person, we invite you to participate virtually.
UIF Annual Business Meeting Live Stream
Please do not hesitate to contact us via email (giving@illinois.edu) or phone (217-333-9174) with any questions or concerns.
Train Like the Illini
- 7:00 – 8:00 AM
- Memorial Stadium (Directions)
- The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics invites you to get your Friday morning workout in at the facilities where our Fighting Illini student-athletes train! Attend a group stretch and presentation by one of our Illinois strength and conditioning coaches.
UIF Annual Business Meeting Breakfast
- 8:30 – 9:30 AM
- Krannert Center for the Performing Arts – Lobby (Directions)
- Breakfast precedes the University of Illinois Foundation’s 87th Annual Business Meeting.
UIF Annual Business Meeting
- 9:30 – 11:00 AM
- Krannert Center for the Performing Arts – Great Hall (Directions)
- The 87th Annual Business Meeting of the University of Illinois Foundation will celebrate the impact of giving across the U of I System, share a financial report from FY22, and provide insights into the endowment performance from the fiscal year.
Come-and-Go Lunch
- 12:00 PM
- Krannert Center for the Performing Arts – Lobby (Directions)
- Boxed lunches with come-and-go seating will be available between events.
Lightning Talks – With Illinois Faculty
- 2:00 PM
- Spurlock Museum – Knight Auditorium (Directions)
- The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has long been at the cutting-edge of research across many fields. Learn more from the brightest minds in research at Illinois—many of whom were supported by the With Illinois Campaign.
Altgeld Showcase and Tours
- 3:30 PM
- Altgeld Hall (Directions)
- Tour Altgeld and discover the impressive work preserving the history of this campus landmark while making it accessible and welcoming to a new generation.
With Illinois Campaign Celebration & Dinner
- 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
- Dinner starts at 6:00 PM, Program starts at 7:15 PM, Drone Show starts at 8:00 PM
- Grange Grove / Lot 31 at Memorial Stadium (Directions)
- Join other generous supporters and university leadership to celebrate and commemorate the close of the With Illinois Campaign. A strolling dinner and an opportunity to learn more about the impact of the campaign will begin at 6:00 pm. This will be followed by a short multi-media program at 7:15 pm, including remarks by Chancellor Jones and others who have benefitted from, and contributed to, our most successful fundraising campaign to date. Immediately following the program, we hope you will join the broader Illinois community at a celebration event in Grange Grove, just across the street from the dinner venue.
These events are unit sponsored, but are open to everyone. Other invitation-only unit events will be happening throughout the weekend, and information about those will be communicated to invitees directly from the organizing unit.
Homecoming Celebration at the Illini Union Art Gallery
- 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Illini Union Art Gallery (Directions)
- All Illinois alumni and donors are invited to kick off Homecoming with an open house reception at the Illini Union Art Gallery. Enjoy the exhibit “Illini Past and Present” by artist and alumnus Howard Kanter while reconnecting with classmates and staff from student organizations, cultural centers, fraternity & sorority affairs, the Illini Union Board, housing, and so much more! We will have Illinois pennants, Homecoming pins, and refreshments available for attendees. Tours of the Illini Union will be available. We look forward to thanking you for being With Illinois and connecting with all of our Illinois FamILLy! Contact for questions: Student Affairs Office of Advancement email or call 217-244-8060
Hands-On Workshop: The Art and Science of Preserving Our Library’s Collections
- 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
- Reading Room, 200 Main Library (Directions)
- Come learn about how the Library works to preserve our collections and participate, hands-on, to see how some of our materials are made. We’ll have preservation and conservation staff showing attendees how to bind several different styles of small books, guiding attendees through the Japanese paper marbling art called suminagashi, and explaining the 15th and 16th century practice of “letter locking” after which you can learn to lock your own letters. In addition, a preservation expert will be on hand to answer any preservation questions you have about your own collections and heirlooms. Contact for questions: Kathryn Heise, krh19@illinois.edu, 217-244-6106
An Insider Look at ACES Spaces
- 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
- ACES Library, Information and Alumni Center, 1101 S. Goodwin, Urbana (Directions)
- Join the College of ACES for a tour – both virtual and on site – of various ACES facilities and programs made possible and enhanced with gifts provided during the WITH Illinois campaign. Learn more about the University of Illinois Feed Technology Center, Artificial Intelligence for Future Agricultural Resilience, Management, and Sustainability Institue (AI FARMS), Red Oak Rain Garden, the newest improvements to the historical Stock Pavilion and more. To conclude the time together and thank ACES supporters for their generosity, the College of ACES invites you to join us for an afternoon patio reception. Contact for questions: Marla Todd, martodd@illinois.edu, 217-244-2875
Carle Illinois College of Medicine Open House
- 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
- Medical Sciences Building, 506 S. Mathews, Urbana (Directions)
- Come tour the Medical Sciences Building, home to the Carle Illinois College of Medicine. Dean Mark Cohen will welcome guests at 3:30. Contact for questions: Kari Wallace, kjwallac@illinois.edu, 217-333-4087
From Dorm Broadcasting to the Digital Frontier: A Journalist’s Journey
- 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM
- University Archives, 146 Main Library (Directions)
- Come hear from Alumnus Charlie Meyerson about his student experience at Illinois. Charlie Meyerson’s the winner of dozens of journalism awards – including a national 2016 Edward R. Murrow Award for online audio investigative reporting and a 2018 Chicago Headline Club Award for best radio newscast. He rounds up the news daily via his daily email news briefing, Chicago Public Square – named by the Chicago Reader in 2022 the “best free daily roundup in your inbox.” His broadcasting career began at Illini Media’s WPGU-FM in Urbana, 1973-1977, and he was a 2008 inductee into the Illini Media Alumni Hall of Fame. Contact for questions: Kathryn Heise, krh19@illinois.edu, 217-244-6106
College of Applied Health Sciences 2022 Alumni Awards Ceremony
- 3:00 PM
- I Hotel and Conference Center, Lincoln Room (Directions)
- AHS alumni are changing the world in the areas of Speech and Hearing, Kinesiology & Community Health, Recreation, Sport and Tourism, and Disability Advocacy. The College of Applied Health Sciences will recognize three inspiring individuals this fall with the College of Applied Health Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award, Harold Scharper Award, and Young Alumni Award. Contact for questions: Kathy Saathoff, ksaathof@illinois.edu, 217-244-8408
Grainger Engineering Celebration
- 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
- Campus Instructional Facility (CIF) Monumental Steps (Directions)
- Join us for a reception to celebrate the accomplishments and support of alumni and friends of The Grainger College of Engineering. Contact for questions: Jerilyn Hutson, jhutson@illinois.edu, 217-300-2656
Gies Campaign Close and Homecoming Celebration
- 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
- Business Instructional Facility Courtyard (Directions)
- The Gies College of Business invites alumni to join Dean Brown to celebrate the successful completion of the With Illinois campaign and Homecoming 2022. Contact for questions: Christine Beyers, cbeyers@illinois.edu, 217-300-3542
School of Social Work Homecoming Grill ‘n Chill
- 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
- Lot D21 (just east of SSW Building) (Directions)
- Join us for a pop-up grill and chill outside the SSW building! We will have hot dogs, veggie burgers and all the fixins. Yard games and free SSW-Hoco swag will be available! Don’t forget to show your Illini pride and wear your orange and blue! Contact for questions: Aaron Godwin, godwin2@illinois.edu, 217-300-8106